Energy Resources
ABCs of Solar
Learn about the components of solar energy.
About Hydropower
A site for information on this type of energy.
Adventures in Energy
Oil and gas resources are explored here.
Site discusses uses of biomass materials such as hay, meadowfoam,
switchgrass and sawdust and wood shavings.
Energy Fuelling the Future
Interactive gallery to explore power.
Energy Information
A general search tool to find information on the different types of energy.
Energy Quest
An online story that describes and discusses energy and the various forms of
Energy Sources
Information on different energy sources in included, as are advantages and
disadvantages of each.
Explore More:
The Future of Energy
A closer look at the issues of energy.
Geothermal Energy
Includes information on how found, how used, etc.
Hoover Dam Electricity
Find out about the Hoover Dam and its part in providing energy.
Hydroelectric Energy
U.S. Geological survey on hydroelectric energy.
The Energy Story
Learning About Renewable Energy
Energy efficiency is also discussed here.
National Science Digital Library
Free online library for education and research.
Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy
Information on the continuing issues involving nuclear energy.
Renewable Energy Sources
Website full of links to other websites about the various renewable energy
Solar Energy
Harnessing the sun's energy for our electrical needs.
Wind Energy
Wind with Miller- animated explanation of the physics and technology of wind
Wind Industry
Wind basics!
Created by
Linda DeVore
Last Updated
Wednesday, October 13, 2010