What You Should Know About Your Government
to the United States
What You Should Know About Our
| Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion |
The State of Arizona is sponsoring a contest to replace its old brochure on the three branches of the US government. This brochure is given to people studying to become citizens of the United States and thousands are handed out every year. The best design will be used by the State and the name of the designer of the brochure will be printed on the back of the brochure.
Your task is to create your best brochure for the contest! Originality, spelling, completeness, and accuracy count. In order for you to make your brochure you will need to do some research online. Below is a list of questions. Those questions that are underlined must be answered and used in your brochure. Choose three others within each section to also use in your brochure. In addition, you must answer all the questions for Checks and Balances and list the steps for a bill to become a law. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Who is the head of the executive branch of government?
2. Who are the other persons or agencies that are part of the executive branch?
3. Name three different independent agencies within the executive branch.
4. What is the role of the executive branch of government?
5. What are the qualifications needed for a person to become President?
6. What are the President's duties?
7. How many cabinet members are there? What are they?
8. If you wanted to send a letter to the President, what address would you mail it to?
9. If something should happen to the President and the Vice-President who is next in line to assume office?
1. What makes up the judicial branch of government?
2. What is the highest court of the judicial branch?
3. Who created the Federal courts?
4. What are the three responsibilities of the judicial branch of government?
5. What are the powers of the Supreme Court?
6. Who makes up the Supreme Court?
7. How are the justices of the Supreme Court selected?
8. For how long are the Justices appointed and what are the requirements to serve on the Supreme Court?
Legislative Branch
1. What are the two groups that make up Congress?
2. List three powers of Congress.
3. What can the House do that the Senate cannot?
4. What can the Senate do that the House cannot?
5. How many Senators are there?
6. Who is our Senator? What is his mailing address?
7. How many representatives are there and how many does Arizona have?
8. Who is our Representative? What is his mailing address?
9. What are the qualifications to be able to run for Representative?
10. What are the qualifications to be able to run for the Senate?
11. How often does the number of Representatives change?
Checks and Balances
1. How does the legislative branch check the executive branch?
2. How does the legislative branch check the judiciary branch?
3. How does the Supreme Court check the legislative branch?
4. How does the Supreme Court check the executive branch?
5. How does the executive branch check the legislative branch?
6. How does the executive branch check the judiciary branch?
Use the following sites to answer your questions:
Use this template to make your brochure.
Executive Branch |
Legislative Branch |
Judicial Branch |
How a Bill Becomes Law |
Checks & Balances |
Created by Linda DeVore
Last Updated Wednesday, October 13, 2010