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Compare Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Match fractions to decimals and/or percentages in a Concentration-style game.

Convert Decimals to Mixed Numbers How many problems can you do in 3 minutes?  What's your score?

Decimal Squares 

Decimals of the Caribbean Complete five rounds!

Draggable Decimals Choose subtraction and click on Play.  Do 10 problems and change all of the other settings to 3.  Type in your first name and click on Play.

Midnight at the Super Big Click “On to the Game” and answer the problems so that you have a correct ending balance at the end of the “night”.

Put Decimals in Order  What's your score after 30 problems?

Railroad Repair from PBS the game starts out easy and gets more complicated as you go along!  If you get stuck, click on the Help button.

Subtraction with One Decimal Digit  Complete all 15 problems.

Subtraction with Three Decimal Digits  Complete all 15 problems.

What Decimal Number Is Illustrated?  What is your score after 25? after 40?

Created by Linda DeVore

Last Updated Sunday, February 27, 2011