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MARC Records:

ACCESS Pennsylvania Database for the state of Pennsylvania

Authority Records from LOC search or browse by subject, name, title, and name/title combinations.

BCLS Bergen County Cooperative Library System has great MARC records for video

CLIC Net Catalog a non-profit federation of the libraries of eight private colleges and universities in Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota

Library of Congress Online Catalog

MARC Records Websites - collection of sites from Dillon (SC) School District

Massachusetts Catalog is a library catalog of holdings from school, medical, law, special and a few public libraries in the state of Massachusetts.

MeLcat Michigan eLibrary catalog for the state of Michigan

OhioLINK Public Library Catalog search the state of Ohio's public libraries

Prospector Colorado Library Alliance of public libraries

Toronto Public Library useful for finding MARC records on books published in Canada and not available from Library of Congress. The Toronto Public Library is the largest public library system in Canada.

University of Arizona- World Cat if you find that WorldCat is blocked, you can access WorldCat through the University of Arizona.  It has the added advantage of providing complete records on materials that have been published in Arizona.

WorldCat find items in libraries around the world and then go to their catalog for the MARC record!

Z39-50 Destinations includes name of university, net address, IP address, port, databases, and format.

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Authority Headings Search from LOC

Cataloger's Reference Shelf includes MARC data formats, MARC code lists, reference manuals, and subject manuals

Classify New site that is fantastic for people who are having problem with their classification of their records! Type in the LC, ISBN, or title/author and in return it gives you the suggested Dewey number and subject headings! Great for when you are stuck or not sure where to go with a book!

Destiny Library Online Manual created by Surrey School District Resource Services.  Very friendly!

Destiny Library Software Tips and Questions includes offset recommendations for printing barcodes using
different labels as well as other information on using Destiny.

Follett Listserve for Destiny users!

Guide to Cataloging DVD and Blue-Ray Discs - Using AACR2r and MARC 21-- 74 page PDF document

Internet Resources for the School Cataloger includes general cataloging sites, instructional materials, catalogs, cataloging rules and guidelines, authority work, special format cataloging, subject cataloging, tools, classification, and LOC.

Introduction to MARC Tagging: An OCLC Tutorial introduces you to the basics of bibliographic records, specifically MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) format records—what they are, how and why they are used, and how to read them.

MARC Formats including country codes and field lists from LOC

Tag of the Month is published by Follett and provides a description and working examples of the most commonly used MARC bibliographic and authority tags as well as sample MARC records for many types of materials.

Useful Web Sites for AV Catalogers

VIAF: The Virtual International Authority File

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Created by Linda DeVore

Last Updated Friday, September 07, 2012