Fine Arts -- Music and
Art Resources
1,200 Years of Italian Sculpture - Indexed by Artist or Locality
Art & Design Websites annotated list from Spartacus Educational
Art History Online from a professor at Sweet Briar College (VA) indexed by time period and/or country
Art- General Ideas 2D Art and 3D Art - Art Resources includes artists and artwork, art organizations, artist health, arts funding, copyright information, creativity, and other art resource pages
Artcyclopedia for all things art including a link to all art museums in the world
Art-rageous -- student art and art lesson plans
Artsonia... the world's largest kids' art museum! Search by artist's name or by name of school.
ArtsWork ARTS Education Resource Center from the Herberger Institute at Arizona State University
Artyfactory lessons for Egyptian art, African masks, pencil portraits, creating logos, and perspective drawing
BBC Arts Your gateway to visual arts, literature, culture and getting creative from the BBC
Google Art Project "The Art Project is a collaboration between Google and 151 acclaimed art partners from across 40 countries. Using a combination of various Google technologies and expert information provided by our museum partners, we have created a unique online art experience. Users can explore a wide range of artworks at brushstroke level detail, take a virtual tour of a museum and even build their own collections to share."
Incredible @rt Department includes lesson plans by grade level, toolbox, free clip art, teacher toolbox and more
Curricular Resources in Art includes art history, clip art, drawing cartoons, masks, pictures and publish your creative works online
Curricular Resources in Arts and Crafts
Famous Paintings - Art Appreciation Lessons for Kids
Greatest Works of Art
thirty works of art listed below were chosen because they are the pinnacle of
quality, elegance, and artistic strength, the best mankind has created, the
hallmarks of unalloyed genius. These are works that create a reaction, everytime
you see them you find something new and inspirational.
Imagination Factory recycling with art
Index of Art Lessons from ArtTeacher on the Net
Instructional Materials for Art
Instructional Materials for Arts and Crafts
KramerArt art gallery of student work from a middle school art teacher-- lots of great ideas here!
National Gallery of Arts -Brushter Use various brushes and colors to create online masterpieces.
National Gallery of Arts - Classroom for Teachers and Students
Smithsonian Art & Design lesson plans based on artworks at the Smithsonian
Teacher Tap - Internet Resources for Fine Arts includes professional organizations, standards and materials; art starting points; resources for teachers; resources for young adults; resources for children, and related resources and materials. - art lesson plans and activities
Universal Leonardo - Da Vinci that is! Universal Leonardo covers a massive amount of information about the man and his extraordinary skills. First time visitors may want to begin with the Explore section where they will find interactive exhibits
Wahoo Art Search by artist alphabetically for their works and for a biography plus a link to another biography on the Net, search for art by media, style or topic as well as artist.
11 Free Online Drawing Tools from "Free Technology for Teachers" by Richard Byrne.
A. Pintura - Art Detective As A. Pintura, a 1940's-style detective with a degree in art history, you must identify the artist of a mystery painting.
Architect Studio 3D create a floor plan based on Frank Lloyd Wright houses and furniture. Choose a client, choose a site, then create a house!
Leonardo’s Workshop explore the Italian Renaissance and da Vinci's workshop while solving a mystery!
National Gallery of Arts -Collage Machine Create collages using online tools
Allmusic Search and explore by Genre, Mood, Theme, Country and Instrument
Bulletin Boards for Music Classrooms
Children's Music Web resources for performers, teachers, kids and parents
Classical Music Navigator Composers, Basic Library of Notable Works, Geographical Roster, Index of Forms and Styles of Music, and Glossary
Country Music Lyrics, Chords and Tabs - General
Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers biographical information on over 500 composers searchable by date or name
Historic American Sheet Music from Duke University Libraries Digital Collections
Instructional Materials in Music provide practical assistance for Music teachers wanting to use the Internet as part of their classroom planning/instruction.
Interactive Music Games from Gameaquarium
Jam Studio Write your music, then choose an instrument to play it!
Jazz Artists part of JazzPlus web site with biographical information as well as information on concerts, festivals, webcasts, downloads, news, etc.
K-12 Resources for Music Educators includes band, choral, orchestra, classroom and all music
Learn About Instruments Click on any instrument to hear it.
Mugwumps Online banjo, mandolin, guitar - fretted instruments and their history
Music Education - Resources for K-12 Educators from the Children's Music Workshop
Music Hall- Renaissance music
Musical Heaven showcases various classes of musical shows including Opera, Movie Musicals, Broadway Musicals, Off-Broadway Musicals & London's West End. Musicals can be browsed by title or subject (General, Classic Musicals, Contemporary Musicals, Revivals) idea behind this non-commercial website is "To provide the on-line community of musical theatre lovers a place to 'meet' other people, to share information about the shows that they love, and to learn about shows they may come to love!"
Pianopedia is a search engine designed for piano teachers and students, as well as performing pianists. It can be used to explore the repertoire in search for new works to learn and perform. It also serves as a detailed reference source for the classical piano repertoire. Contains 894 composers, 5,471 works, 15,748 movements or excerpts.
Resources for Music Education from Same Day Music
San Francisco Symphony for Kids information on the instruments that constitute a symphony, "Make A Tune" composer, and "The Radio" with six channels of music
Sing-Along Songs (Midis and Lyrics)
Song of America from the Library of Congress commemorates the history of song composition in America. Learn about 10 composers, including Charles Ives ("In Flander's Fields"), Stephen Foster ("Oh! Susanna"), and Francis Hopkinson -- the only American-born composer known to have written songs before 1800. Hear and see the music for nearly 20 songs, including "Shenandoah" and "Danny Deever."
Songsterr guitar, bass and drum tabs with rhythm. Choose beginner, intermediate or advanced tabs for rock, metal, blues, jazz, punk, soundtrack, acoustic, 60s, 70s or 80s.
Worldwide Internet Music Resources from the Indiana University School of Music Organization is by genres of performers, composers, compositions, and music-related organizations.
Yahoo Directory -- Music well-organized hierarchical subject-oriented guide for the Web and Internet
Created by Linda DeVore
Last Updated Friday, March 14, 2014