All About Birds from Cornell University also includes webcams that have moderated chats during the day.
AmphibiaWeb for everything amphibian
Animal Web Cams from Smithsonian National Zoological Park
Animal Diversity Web Browse by kingdom or search by specific animal
Animal Pictures, Sound Clips and Movies from
Endangered and Threatened Species from the Library of Congress Science Reference Services
Guide to the Animal Kingdom for Students and Educators from BIOSIS, is a simplified classification scheme that allows users to easily position an animal group within the animal kingdom and link to related information.
Lizards and Snakes Alive! This online exhibition from the American Museum of Natural History explores the world of squamates (lizards and snakes) with video, sound and photographs.
MammalsRus Fun facts and witty information on 5000 mammal species
Names of Males, Females, Babies and Groups of Animals
National Marine Mammal Laboratory Click on species!
North American Mammals from the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History is a "searchable database of all living mammals of North America". The database features detailed descriptions, images, diagrams and distribution range maps for more 400 mammals native to the North American continent and particularly the United States.
Sea World Animal Information includes animal sounds, "bytes", "infobooks", ecosystems, and "wildopedia" which is a multimedia reference
Tree of Life web project is a “phylogenetic navigator” that offers information about the phylogenetic relationships and characteristics of organisms and links to other biological information available on the Internet.
US Fish & Wildlife Endangered Species Program
Virtual Zoo There are many zoos to found on the Internet but this one has uniqueness in that it is an ongoing project created, researched and documented by the 7th grade Life Science students at Pioneer Middle school in Hanford, California. Each year the students add to the number of reports that are available, currently 184 animal exhibits. This is a great site to help students understand how animals are classified. Each report contains information about the species as well as pictures and well documented source information. Included are several "Zoo Activities" that are designed to help students learn how to use the zoo Website to access information.
World Wildlife Fund Species Pages
Astronomy Online "Astronomy Online provides a wealth of resources and information for teachers, students, or anyone interested in astronomy. The content is arranged into broad categories including Observation, Science, Solar System, Stars, Our Galaxy, Cosmology, Astrobiology, Exoplanets, and Astrophotography. Each main category is grouped into sub-categories that cover such topics as constellations, astronomy tools, the solar system formation, stellar evolution, and much more. Each of the topics includes a number of informative and illustrated essays with embedded links that lead to even more information. Visitors won't want to miss the Astrophotography section as it contains some magnificent professional photographs from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope at the top of Mauna Kea. It also contains some excellent amateur images of the solar system, star clusters, nebulae, and more."
Cosmos4Kids for astronomy basics and the science of the stars
Earth and Moon Viewer You can view either a map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment, or view the Earth from the Sun, the Moon, the night side of the Earth, above any location on the planet specified by latitude, longitude and altitude, from a satellite in Earth orbit, or above various cities around the globe.
Google Mars Maps of Mars by region, spacecraft, mountains, plains, canyons, dunes, ridges and craters.
The Nine Planets a multimedia tour of the solar system
Phoenix Mars Mission official NASA site for the Phoenix Mars Mission
Solar System Exploration from NASA
Solar System Tutor interactive quiz on our solar system
Welcome to the Planets This is a collection of many of the best images from NASA's planetary exploration program.
Your Sky Interactive planetarium on the Web that allows you to print out maps of the night sky in various forms and from any location on earth
Anatomy Atlases digital library of anatomy information
BioEd Online “utilizes state-of-the-art technology to give you instant access to reliable, cutting-edge information and educational tools for biology and related subjects. Our goal is to provide useful, accurate, and current information and materials that build upon and enhance the skills and knowledge of science educators."
Biology4Kids has information on cell structure, cell function, scientific studies, plants, vertebrates, invertebrates, and other life science topics.
Biology Activities from Flinn Scientific, Inc.
Encyclopedia of Life "This one Web site unites mammal, bird, bug, plant, bacteria, etc. in one location, providing in-depth, scientifically valid information of individual species as well as developing a clear understanding of how ecosystems work and change over time and under different conditions. Students and educators will be provided with a wide variety of tools for using the information on the species pages as well as for feeding their own information back into the system. Because it exists on the Web, EOL also allows collaborative, inquiry-based learning to occur within a classroom or across the world."
GeneEdWeb includes labs & experiments, teacher resources, and information on careers in genetics
Inside the Cell is a science education booklet that explores the interior design of cells and vividly describes the processes that take place within its organelles and structures. Each chapter includes a few review questions.
National Science Digital Library "Over 9,888 reviewed resources covering 77 biological sciences topics are available. BEN resources can help you engage student interest, shorten lesson preparation time, provide concept updates, and develop curricula that are in line with national standards for content, use of animals and humans, and student safety."
Understanding Evolution resources, news items and lessons for teaching about evolution
Arctic Theme Page from NOAA
Biomes of the World from the Missouri Botanical Garden plus information on freshwater ecosystems and marine ecosystems
Habitats from National Geographic explanation of the biomes that make up the earth. Some are interactive.
The World's Biomes from the University of California Museum of Paelontology
Amazing Chemistry Teacher Resources from a chemistry teacher and includes middle school and high school resources.
Cavalcade o' Chemistry Help for students, resources for teachers
Chem4Kids information on matter, atoms, elements, the periodic table, reactions, and biochemistry
Chemicool Click on an element or enter its name or symbol and get all relevant chemical information
Chemist's Art Gallery contains spectacular visualization and animations in chemistry
Chemistry Resources from Flinn Scientific, Inc. including demonstrations, labs, questions and links
Creative Chemistry fun activities, worksheets, practical guides and interactive quizzes
General Chemistry Online searchable database of over 800 common compound names, formulas, and structures
Interactive Periodic Table from Merck
Middle School Science Chemistry Lesson Plans including labs which are in the "lab book".
Basics of Global Warming a simple and accessible interactive graphic explaining…global warming
CO2 Emissions, Birth and Death Rates, by Country in simulated Real Time
Droplet and the Water Cycle interactive game from NASA to help students learn about the water cycle
Earth: A Dynamic Structure A course developed for San Francisco Unified School District teachers by the University of California Museum of Paelontology, this site contains both content and lessons about about the Earth as a dynamic system, composed of the lithosphere (land), hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (air), and biosphere (living things).
Earth Exploration Toolbook provides a series of activities, tools and case studies for using data sets with your students on earth science.
Earth Science Activities from Flinn Scientific, Inc.
Earth Science Image Archives from Montana State University
Earth-Sun Exploration Division of NASA provides earth science information links for students and teachers
Encyclopedia of Earth is from EarthPortal and is filled with information and articles written by scientists, scientific agencies, and commissions. Search by title, author, or topic.
Environmental Health Student Portal This Web site introduces middle school students to environmental health science within the context of current middle school science curriculum standards. This newest edition to the family of NLM resources for students is a FREE non-subscription- based Web site that contains links to government and other reviewed and selected sites and provides a safe and reliable environment for teachers and students to study the following topics and their impact on health: water pollution, climate change, chemicals and coming soon air pollution.
Explorations Through Time A series of interactive, web-based educational modules that address topics such as fossils, the history of life, biological evolution, the science of paleontology and the scientific process.
Exploratorium's Top Ten Web Sites for Earth Science includes text, video and WWW resources
Exploring the Environment modules and activities include Tropical Poison, Rift Valley Fever, El Niño, Mars Landing, Yellowstone Fires, Weather or Not?, Florida Everglades, Temperate Rainforest, Mountain Gorillas, Volcanoes, Coral Reefs, and Water Quality a collection of classroom activities and lesson plans from astronomy and erosion to rocks & minerals and weather
Geology is from Houghton Mifflin and is meant to be a a public forum for all matters geological. This area is open to students, university instructors, professional geologists, and anyone else who seeks insight into the world’s daily geological rumblings.
Global Climate Change: Research Explorer explore scientific data relating to the atmosphere, the oceans, the areas covered by ice and snow, and the living organisms in all these domains. It includes case studies to illustrate how researchers gather evidence, test theories, and come to conclusions. The site includes a glossary of terms and many illustrations and charts.
Global Ecological Footprint Calculator The footprint calculator estimates how much of the Earth's biocapacity is needed to support a person's consumption choices over the course of a year.
Global Warming Facts and Figures from the Pew Center on Climate Change provides graphs, maps and charts with recently updated information. Available in Spanish, German, French, Chinese and Japanese.
Learning From the Fossil Record A set of classroom activities using paleontology to teach major concepts in science.
Prentice-Hall PowerPoints for Earth Science 25 different topics
Resources for Earth Science and Geography Instruction from Central Michigan University contains links which are organized alphabetically around the sequence of topics typically taught in an introductory earth science or physical geography class. Links are also available for environmental science, earth science/geography education, career opportunities, and more. The sites selected are based on image quality, ease with which lesson plans can be developed, organization, authenticity, scope, and format. Check Alphabetized Earth Science Animations (AESA) for a links to almost 400 earth science concepts.
Bizarre Stuff You Can Make in Your Kitchen is a museum of classic home science projects. It is not so much meant to be "how to" or educational, but more of a celebration of early to mid 20th century home experimentation and pop science illustration.
CLRN - Science Electronic Learning Resources (California Learning Resource Network) for science sources that have all been reviewed and rated. Includes video streaming sources, software, and CD-ROM for grades K-12.
CLRN - Science -Web Info Links (California Learning Resource Network) web links for K-12 divided by subject area. Information for links includes grade level, available media, reading level, and resource type.
Cool Online Science Internet Links and almost all are interactive!
Curriki- Science choose a topic within science then choose educational level, language, reviews, instructional type, and media type!
Educational Resources in Science is from Community Learning Network, a site designed to help K-12 teachers integrate technology into the classroom. Includes curricular and instructional sites and theme pages for air quality, asteroids, comets, and meteors; biomes- one for each; bubbles; clouds; dinosaurs; electricity (concepts); electricity (circuitry); El Niño; simple flying machines; gardening; genetics/biotechnology; gerbils-hamsters; glaciers; global warming; hot air balloons; human body senses- one for each; human body systems- one for each; inventors and inventions; kites; lightning; magnetism; natural disasters (8 different ones); oceanography; ozone depletion; paper airplanes; periodic tables; pictures; rocks minerals and mining; science fair; soaps and soap making; sound; water quality; and whales. For theme pages on endangered species, global warming, hazardous waste disposal, oceanography, overpopulation, reduce, reuse, recycle; and water quality from CLN click here.
ISTAT Digital Curriculum Guide The Digiguide contains lessons in earth and space, life and physical sciences, produced by members of ISTAT, a project of UC Berkeley's Interactive University.
Jefferson Lab This is a great math and science site for teachers and students. It provides teachers reference materials that include a glossary of terms and questions and answers. The hands-on activities can be downloaded in .pdf format and include a teacher overview, standards, lab pages, related activities and sample answer keys. Students can find help with their homework. There are even videotaped science lectures you can borrow!
Middle School Portal 2: Math & Science Pathways "project supports middle grades educators with high-quality, standards-based resources and promotes collaboration and knowledge-sharing among its users. Educators use MSP2 to increase content knowledge in science, mathematics, and appropriate pedagogy for youth ages 10 to 15. MSP2 employs social networking and digital tools to foster dynamic experiences that promote creation, modification, and sharing of resources, facilitate professional development, and support the integration of technology into practice."
Middle School Science a site that has been around since 1997 that has links, lesson plan archive, and "odds and ends"
National Institutes of Health Office of Science Education provides lesson plans, resources, multimedia, online exhibits, posters, photos and images, professional development and more for science teachers grades K-12.
National Science Digital Library "provides high quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, with current emphasis on the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines—both formal and informal, institutional and individual, in local, state, national, and international educational settings."
Open Door Web Site resources and supplemental materials for biology, chemistry, physics and technology.
Planting Planting Science is a learning and research resource, bringing together students, plant scientists, and teachers from across the nation. Students engage in hands-on plant investigations, working with peers and scientist mentors to build collaborations and to improve their understanding of science.
PowerPoint Presentations a collection of 42 PowerPoints on subjects from planetary movement to astronomy to weather to completed Jeopardy PowerPoints.
Scale of the Universe Zoom from the edge of the universe to the quantum foam of space time and learn about everything in between.
Science4Kids from US Department of Agriculture includes science projects and teachers' resources.
Science at This huge section lists free presentations for Earth and Space, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Lab Work, Microscopes, Telescopes, Geology, Natural Hazards, Weather, Environment, Ecology, Nanoscience, Biomes, Living Systems, Forensics for Kids, Flight, and more.
Science- BBC Online includes science news, links to BBC Space, BBC Earth, Human Body, Science of Sleep, Open University, and BBC Bitesize: Science which is for students.
Science Cycles is from the Utah Education Network
Science Hot Lists from Franklin Institute "Hot lists are organized lists of resources on the Internet that science educators, as well as science enthusiasts, may find useful".
Science Made Simple includes projects & experiments, science fair projects, and science articles is a site created by a middle school teacher for her seventh and eighth grade students to use. You will find links for teachers on geology, chemistry, physics and astronomy and sites created by other science teachers, as well as links, for students to projects, homework assignments, and a weekly agenda for each grade level.
Science Teachers' Resource Center winner of numerous awards has links for chemistry, life science, and physics
Understanding Science - is from UC Berkeley and is a great resource for learning more about the process of science and by emphasizing peer review, the testing of ideas, a science flowchart and "what is science?" checklist.
US Government Web Sites for Kids: Science- from various Federal agencies and departments
Census of Marine Life - photo gallery and videos
Exploraquarium from the University of Washington
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch inforgraph on an area of marine debris made up of primarily of plastic about three times the size of Spain and Portugal together that floats in the Pacific Ocean
Marine Biology includes fish, coral reefs, marine ecology, and oceanography
NASA Oceanography photos from space of the earth's oceans as well as information on the earth's oceans
National Marine Sanctuaries with links to 15 national marine sanctuaries
National Sea Grant Libraries Digital Libraries "offer a wealth of resources for educators on a variety of coastal and marine subjects including oceanography, marine education, aquaculture, fisheries, aquatic nuisance species, coastal hazards, seafood safety, coastal zone management, marine recreation, and law. The collection is housed at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography"
Ocean World includes fisheries, coral reefs, waves, currents, icebergs, weather, etc.
Oceanography from the Office of Naval Research includes tides, waves, habitats, etc.
Oceans Alive! whales, seals, kelp, and more
ReefBase: a Global Information System for Coral Reefs
Sea & Sky "exploring the splendors of the sea and the wonders of the universe"
Smithsonian's Ocean Portal includes photos, videos, resources, etc.
Color Matters Color plays a vitally important role in the world in which we live. Color can sway thinking, change actions, and cause reactions. It can irritate or soothe your eyes, raise your blood pressure or suppress your appetite. When used in the right ways, color can even save on energy consumption.
Energized Learning offers middle and high school students and their teachers standards-based lessons to help them develop a better understanding of energy and its complex interrelationships. It includes an interactive Web-based energy calculator and home energy audit toolkit developed by U.S. Department of Energy scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Library.
Energy Lesson Plans and Resources from the US Energy Information Administration
Explore More: Future of Energy - teacher resources including lesson plans, videos, professional development, etc.
Geography4Kids is physical geography and it includes atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, climate and BGC cyles.
Geothermal Energy Education Office includes facts, slide show, video, and classroom materials
Magnet Man cool experiments with magnets both permanent and electro-magnets. Lists of materials for demonstrations, instructions, and notes on how they work.
Magnets and Magnetism Explained
Matter Is the Stuff Around You from
Physical Science Activities from Flinn Scientific, Inc.
Science of Sound is a series of experiments about sound and its application to animals, musical instruments and communications.
Static Electricity - learn about static charge & static shock
Elements of Machines examines the six basic simple machines as well as gears, rack and pinion, cam, crank and rod, chains and belts, and ratchets.
Fear of Physics through virtual physics, a physics dictionary, a section on bad science of physics all to help students get over their fear of physics.
How Things Fly from the Smithsonian
Little Shop of Physics: Online Experiments a web-based resource that allows students to explore physical science from a hands-on perspective. The site includes 28 experiments divided into three sections: Amazing Physics, Computer Stuff, and Shockwave Stuff. Adult supervision is REQUIRED for some activities.
Physics 2000 an interactive journey through modern physics from the University of Colorado at Boulder
is an online physics tutorial written for introductory physics students and is used by teachers and students from junior high school through college.
Timeline of Physics top 10 (or so) things you should know about every century
A Walk Through Time the evolution of time measurement from NIST Physics laboratory.
Charles Edison Fund (son of Thomas Alva Edison) science experiments with suggested grade levels
Exploratorium "Snacks" miniature versions of some of the most popular exhibits at the Exploratorium
Funology Their weird science section includes experiments for physics, chemistry, biology, weather and holidays and seasons.
Hunkin's Experiments hundreds of cartoon experiments in food, math, biology, electricity, sound, light, and experiments with clothing, hobbies, objects, materials, and in the office.
Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab includes lab safety, a message board, resources for materials for experiments, as well as experiments for atomic/electric, chemical reactions, chemistry, cohesion, flotation, geometry, inertia/momentum, light, magnetism, motion/energy, sound, pressure, and miscellaneous.
Science Bob's science experiments you can do at home or school
Science Experiments with Steve Spangler this is an ever-growing and changing collection of his favorite science experiments, recipes and cool science projects. This hands-on science library represents Steve's most requested science experiments from his weekly television appearances and live presentations throughout the country.
Spark Lab from the Smithsonian list of simple and easy science experiments
Zoom Science from PBS includes chemistry, engineering, forces and energy, five senses, life science, patterns, sound, structures and water.
Crystal Clear Science Fair Projects includes choosing a topic, and science project ideas in several categories
DragonflyTV's Science Fair from PBS has a spinner that provides ideas for science fair projects
Free Science Fair starts with a list of miscellaneous projects and then gives specific projects for biology, electricity, earth science, physics, chemistry and environmental science.
NEED Science Fair Projects "NEED received a grant for the National Network of Energy and Environmental Education Professionals to provide some helpful energy science fair projects for kids. We suggest using our Energy Fair science fair guide to plan your science fair project before jumping into these experiments."
Science Bob's science fair ideas, links to resources, explanation of scientific method and helpful advice.
Science Buddies includes a topic wizard where students complete an online quiz to determine which topic would be a student's best fit for a science fair project; project ideas; guide for projects; ask an expert forum; plus sections for teachers, parents and students.
Science Fair Central sponsored by Discovery Channel and Scotch Company
Science Fair Projects Help from ideas for projects to displaying the final projects it is covered here!
Science Fair Project Ideas "for all levels with hundreds of ideas for every science topic from astronomy to zoology!"
Science Fair Projects and Experiment Topics from A to Z "Topics, Ideas, Resources and Sample Projects For Primary, Elementary, Middle and High School Students and Teachers"
Science Fair Projects on the Web contents include steps of a science fair project, the scientific method, science defined, judging sheet examples, and teacher's resources for teaching the scientific method.
Science Projects K-12 over 300 science fair projects separated by grades K-7 and 8-12
Science Fair Projects World includes project ideas and experiments which are free, and illustrated with diagrams and easy to follow directions
Successful Science Fair Projects great advice from Lynne Bleeker, science teacher, science fair organizer and judge on what makes a "successful" science fair project including how to decide on a topic, project guidelines, prediction or hypothesis, materials and methods, results or data, conclusion and the final display.
Flinn Science Safety Resources
Lab Safety Resources from California State University, Northridge
3-D Insects View insects in 3-D! Create virtual insects also
Amazing Space: Online Explorations
Amazon Interactive try your hand at running a community-based ecotourism project along the Río Napo.
Amusement Park Physics explore physics while creating a roller coaster
ASPIRE or Astrophysics Science Project Integrating Research and Education "Lab is now one of the most innovative and interactive science education websites available on the Internet. You will find not only fun interactive labs, but well designed and produced curriculum content, created by teachers for teachers. The powerful combination of inquiry-based content, along with interactive, hands-on labs provides a powerful visualization tool for you and your students to use. Best of all, the ASPIRE Lab is free!"
Astro-Venture! ...Search for and design a habitable planet!
Atom Builder Create an atom making sure that you keep the charges balanced so it doesn't become ionized or explode! There are also two atom builder guides to help students understand elementary particles and stable atoms.
Bacterial Invasion Read the question and click on the correct answer. If you are correct, your infection percentage will increase by 5 percent. You need to infect your host 100% to win the game. If you are incorrect, your host will get the opportunity to fight you by taking cough drops, cough medicine and then antibiotics. If you miss three questions, the host will take the antibiotics and your character will be destroyed.
Be a Martian! website from NASA allows users to play games while at the same time sorting through hundreds of thousands of images of the Red Planet.
BioInteractive Examine heart patients, probe the nervous system, assay antibodies in virtual labs or view animations of a bacterial invasion or how blood flows! Also available is a virtual museum with exhibits on microbes, cardiology and the senses!
Biology in Motion interactive biology learning activities
Caret Science Games and Puzzles is from the University of Cambridge and has 17 different games and puzzles from food chain to physics to plants to animals.
Centre of the Cell - simulation about the outbreak of an avian flu "There's a new flu in town. You are the Minister of Health so it is your job to stop the flu from spreading. If the flu spreads, thousands, or even millions of people could die."
Changing the Balance- is a web-based resource that allow students to learn about the planetary changes that are occurring globally and the possible cause-and-effects responsible for those changes. The site is divided into eleven sections that detail the spread of malaria and the parasites responsible for causing the disease, describe the ways in which changing climates are affecting animal habitats, discuss the role carbon and nitrogen play in the development of greenhouse gases, and explore the ways in which humans can make positive changes to reduce global warming.
Climate Challenge -- BBC game where the player attempts to tackle climate change as the President of the European Nations
COSI Online Activities Columbus Hands-On Science Center has ten different online activities
Cow's Eye Dissection Online from Exploratorium
CSI: The Experience students learn what it takes to be a forensic scientist. In Case One: Rookie Training, students learn the underlying science of different forensic disciplines such as forensic biology, ballistics, toxicology, and medical examination. In Case Two: Canine Caper and Case Three: Burning Star, players apply what they learned in Rookie Training to solve a crime.
Dumptown Game You are the new City Manager for Dumptown. It's littered, polluted, and nothing is being recycled or reused. In your new position you can start program that encourage recycling and reduce waste. Just don't go over your budget!
Ecological Footprint Calculator and My Footprint are both interactive sites for helping to determine your carbon footprint
Energyville from Chevron comes a game where its "up to you to provide enough power to meet the energy needs of your city's 5.9 million people while keeping them prosperous, secure and living in a clean environment."
eSkeletons Project "The eSkeletons Project website is devoted to the study of human and primate comparative anatomy. It offers a unique set of digitized versions of skeletons in 2-D and 3-D in full color, animations, and much supplemental information. The user can navigate through the various regions of the skeleton and view all orientations of each element along with muscle and joint information. eSkeletons enables you to view the bones of both human and non-human primates ranging from the gorilla to the tiny mouse lemur. All of the large apes are represented as well as other species from different parts of the world. Many of these primates are rare or endangered species."
Energizing Games from Shell Oil Company
Exploring the Environment collection of interactive modules for studying various topics in science including coral reefs, Mars, volcanoes, water quality, tropical rainforests, mountain gorillas, Florida Everglades, Yellowstone fires, hurricanes, and global climate change
Fermilabrynth interactive physics games
FloodSim "FloodSim puts you in control of all flood policy decisions and spending in the UK for 3 years. Whether its deciding how much money to allocate to flood defenses, deciding where to build houses, or how best to inform people about the risk of flooding, you are in control."
Food Web online build a food web from eight different animals and plants
Free Rice choose from chemistry or human anatomy and for each correct answer a donation of 10 grains of rice through the UN World Food Program is made to help end hunger
Geology Labs Online Virtual earthquake, river discharge, river flooding, radiocarbon dating labs
Gizmos 450+ interactive online simulations for grades 3-12 indexed by subject (30-day free trial available). Gizmos are ideal for iPads, small group work, individual exploration, and whole class instruction using an LCD projector or interactive whiteboard.
Great Plant Escape Help Detective Leplant and his partners Bud and Sprout unlock six mysteries of plant life
Human Body and Mind from the BBC a set of cool games to help you understand your body. There is a 3D jigsaw puzzle to put your organs together, putting your muscles and skeleton together in the correct places. Challenge games about your senses and nervous system stretch your mind. The puberty demo shows what changes take place in your body.
Interactive Green Swamp, a swamp in Florida that lies between Tampa and Orlando and it includes "a complex, integrated and delicate natural system composed of cypress swamps and hardwoods". Come explore!
Interactive Human Body from the BBC.
Invention at Play demonstrates the link between play and inventiveness and how to develop it.
Kinetic City Super Crew needs students help to save their virtual world of Vearth from the science-distorting computer virus, Deep Delete. Students work together to perform engaging science activities and then download their data to the Super Crew to help repair their world. Activities include physical experiments to be completed both online and off, interactive science games, art projects and more.
Low Life Labs - imaginary lab where cockroaches, ants, and other similar creatures are studied for their moving, sensing, thinking and being and how that information can be applied to robots.
Make an Electric Circuit Online Click on the picture of a component on the right. The battery and wire will be added immediately. For other components, click on the diagram on the grey part of the wire. Add enough wire to complete the circuit. You can have up to three components in a simple circuit. You can change a component by replacing it with another, or delete one. You can also create a parallel circuit.
National Geographic Virtual Exploration for Kids scroll down to "Games and Interactive"
Mountain Maker, Earth Shaker this activity lets you manipulate tectonic plates and see what happens to the earth.
My Sus House - explore sustainable living and housing through two different games
Nature Interactives from PBS Visitors to the site can help a 30 year old sea turtle, Adelita, find her way to Japan to lay her eggs; help a cheetah named Toki catch a meal and avoid danger; go inside a glacier to learn about crevasses and icefalls; search for amazing creatures in all levels of the rainforest; discover how diamonds are formed; learn the difference between a crocodile and an alligator; find out what creates a wave an how certain weather conditions can lead to monster swells; take a snapshot tour of India; scale the Himalayan peaks; and much more. There are also lesson plans and guides for teachers as well as videos, animal guides, podcasts and an archive of all past Nature features.
Ocean Adventure Interactive Games from Jean-Michel Cousteau
Online Dissections List links are separated by animal and free or fee
Oxford University Museum of Natural History Learning Zone features a great series of interactive lessons for kids on fossils, animals, insects, rocks and minerals. Various characters (such as "Megan the Megalosaurus") help to guide students through the learning process.
Physics Education Technology Interactive simulations in seven categories: motion, work, energy and power, sound and waves, heat and thermo, electricity and currents, light and radiation, quantum phenomena and math tools
Physics around 90 games located here!
PowerHouse Demonstrates how much electricity is used in a house, as you go through the house turning off appliances and lights and watch the meter adjust as you move.
Quake Quiz "Click each scene to test your quake knowledge and learn how you can get prepared for an earthquake in San Francisco".
Recycle City Games, activities, facts and graphics for students to learn about recycling
Shake, Rattle and Slide the world of earthquakes, volcanoes and glaciers Along the exploration, you will be able to build your own volcano, test the power of an earthquake and make a mountain with a glacier.
Stop Disasters! Choose earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, wildfire, or flood and learn how you can prevent each one!
Tissues of Life is designed to be highly interactive and uses Flash technology. Begin by clicking on slides of the four types of tissue; connective, epithelial, muscle, and nervous, to see how each type of tissue looks under a microscope. Each sample also includes an explanation. The body scan allows users to take a close up look (30x magnification) at such parts of the body as the scalp, tongue, under arm, and many more.
Tox Mystery teaches about chemical hazards
Universal Leonardo "Here you’ll find a range of fun on-line games and activities which explore a little of the thinking behind Leonardo’s approach."
Virtual Autopsy Interactive site where you try to determine the cause of death for 18 different cases after reading the history and viewing the autopsy photographs.
The Virtual Body is available in Spanish or English. The site offers interactive animated exhibits of the body including the brain, skeleton, heart and digestive tract.
Virtual Earthquake Students get a certificate as a virtual seismologist upon completion
Virtual River "Here you will find two interactive exercises designed to help you learn about river processes like discharge, flooding, and flood frequency. Each activity requires you to make careful observations and measurements, do simple calculations, and answer questions about your work. A "Certificate of Completion" will be available to you at the end of each activity."
Virtual Telescope online access to robot telescopes
Volcanoes: Can We Predict Volcanic Eruptions? is a site from Annenberg Interactives and offers numerous interactive activities for exploring volcanoes.
Waterworld- How the Ocean Made Us We Are- interactive from the Boston Globe
About Earthquakes from USGS and includes includes on facts, FAQs, photo collections, animations for earthquakes terms & concepts, Today in Earthquake History, visual earthquake glossary, and Earthquakes for Kids, Students, and Teachers.
Electronic Volcano links to catalogs off active volcanoes, visual materials, maps of active volcanoes, volcanic observatories and institutions, volcanic hazards, and volcano name & country index.
How Volcanoes Work is from SDSU and "is an educational resource that describes the science behind volcanoes and volcanic processes."
Life of a Tsunami from USGS
Michigan Technological University Volcanoes Page list of links for current volcano information
Savage Earth is a series from PBS on tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes and plate tectonics.
This Dynamic Earth - plate tectonics from USGS
Tsunami from NOAA with basic information, hazard assessments, animations, and education
Volcano World is one of the premier sites on the Net to find information on past and current volcanoes from around the world and in outer space. Here you will find photos, maps, charts, and activities.
Why Earthquakes Happen slide show from The Guardian newspaper in London on how and why earthquakes happen. Would be a great choice to use with a data projector. Not really for elementary as the reading level would be too high, but great for middle and high school.
Dan's Wild Weather Page is from a meteorologist and it provides information for students on radar, tornadoes, clouds, precipitation, lightning, humidity, satellites, temperature, forecasting, hurricanes, wind, climate, plus a section for teachers.
Extreme Weather & Climate Events - from NOAA Climate Data Center
Historical Weather Database historical weather data from around the world from 1945 to present day from Weather Underground
How Does a Hurricane Form? includes information as well as interactive activities for learning more about hurricanes and weather in general.
Hurricanes & Cyclones- A Brief Explainer Uses British spellings for some words such as center vs. centre, but otherwise a nice slide show on hurricanes and cyclones with some interactivity.
Live Weather Images "This is a one-stop weather site. From here, you can get radar and satellite imagery, other weather maps, and cool weather cam views!"
National Weather Service forecasts, past weather, weather safety, maps, air quality, and alerts
Tornado Project Online "gathers, compiles, and makes tornado information available to tornado and severe weather enthusiasts, the meteorological community and emergency management officials in the form of tornado books, posters, and videos. There are many sites with tornado data, so we are giving the subject a little different twist, with tornado myths, tornado oddities, personal tornado experiences, tornado chasing, tornado safety, and tornadoes in the past as well as more recent tornadoes."
Tornadoes from NOAA includes fast facts, FAQs, long-term averages by state, Fujita Tornado Intensity Scale, tip sheet, forecasting tornadoes today, and a photo gallery.
Tracking El Niño from PBS talks about one of the most powerful forces driving global weather. provides weather information for locations around the world, weather-related news, a weather encyclopedia, weather information as it relates to health, and other information.
Weather Graphs -- Past, present and future including radar, weather forecasts, etc. from Weather Sparks
Weather Links from Kathi Mitchell is a collection of links by an elementary teacher from New Hampshire and includes instruments and WebQuests
Weather Underground includes forecasts for locations around the world, as well as historical weather, marine weather, astronomical forecasts, weather radar, satellite weather information, and more.
Weather Watch: Hurricanes from comes a site with information, experiments, eyewitness accounts, a quiz, and information on hurricane preparation.
Created by Linda DeVore
Last Updated Monday, May 12, 2014