The 10 Best STEM Resources from NEA
10 Essential Essential STEM Teaching Practices from MiddleWeb
Center for STEM Education for Girls Resources include a variety of types including student competitions, recommended journals for teachers, STEM websites with evaluations, and research to practice highlights
Change the Equation (CTEq) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, CEO-led initiative that is mobilizing the business community to improve the quality of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning in the United States. Includes links to "STEM Is Cool" videos produced by members of the business community; and a database of programs that deepen young people's learning in STEM.
Connect the Dots As part of our commitment to STEM education for all students, we are excited to announce the launch of the Discovery Education STEM Camp - a dynamic series of standards-aligned curricula available at no cost to schools, districts, non-profit organizations, and parents for use as part of summer camps, after-school STEM programs or wherever support is needed. STEM Camp combines hands-on labs, engineering challenges, digital investigations, and more - all designed to immerse kids in the grand challenges of science set forth by the National Academy of Engineering.
Design Squad Nation from PBS - use Design Squad Nation activities, animations, video profiles, and episodes in classrooms
Dot Divas dream of a better world. We imagine: devices to track endangered dolphins, GPS systems for people who are blind and digital medical records in every emergency room. Everyone has dreams about making a difference. Computing makes ours come true. We can design: smart phones that are smarter, software to help archaeologists decode ancient languages and mobile forensics labs for instant analysis at crime scenes. It's a great feeling knowing we're part of the solution.
Edutopia STEM Resources -- browse by grade level, view schools that work, videos and classroom guides
Engineer Your Life - a guide to engineering for high school girls. Companion site for middle school girls Engineer Girls
Engineering Is Elementary from the Museum of Science in Boston.
Frontiers for Young Minds: Science edited for kids, by kids is a web-based scientific journal with an editorial board of kids. "All articles in Frontiers for Young Minds will be reviewed and approved for publication by young people themselves. Established neuroscientists will mentor these young Review Editors and help them review the manuscript and focus their queries to authors. To avoid overburdening the young Review Editors, revised manuscripts will in turn be reviewed by one of the stellar Associate Editors of Frontiers for Young Minds."
GeoSTEM Lesson Plans - incorporates math into geography.
Going Deep: STEM in the Connected Classroom
An Implementation Guide for Integrating Literacy in Science (pdf)
I-STEM Resource Network From this page you can find student centered, experiential and investigatory learning based lesson plans for all STEM subject areas and grade levels. Lessons are constantly being added to this page.
Innovative STEM Middle Schools - six schools that the author validated as being effective and innovative
Intel© Education STEM Resources divided by grade levels
MASTER Tools Modeling And Simulation Tools for Education Reform Eight interactive math and science tools and simulations for students in grades 6-12. All simulations and curriculum materials meet the new National Science Education Standards and National Math Education Standards.
Math Video Challenge is an innovative program involving teams of students using cutting-edge technology to create videos about math problems and their associated concepts. This competition is meant to excite students about math while allowing them to hone their creativity and communication.
Middle School Portal 2 (MSP2) math and science pathways online social network includes resources for students, a digital library, science resource guides, math resource guides, blogs from members, "Today in STEM History", teaching science and math, free technology for teachers, a forum, NYT Science and Technology, and resources from MiddleWeb.
NASA ePDN - Electronic Professional Development offers free online professional development certificate programs for K-12 teachers in robotics, statistics, project-based inquiry learning, and technology integration and self-directed courses in astrobiology, microgravity, and outer space environment.
National Lab Network is a national initiative that connects K-12 teachers with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals to bring hands-on learning experiences to students in all 50 states.
Navy STEM for the Classroom For students wanting to expand their STEM knowledge and understanding, education is key. And in America’s Navy, a great deal of emphasis is placed upon educational development. Even prior to professional training and experience as service members, the Navy has promising education programs that students can pursue.
NCSSM YouTube Video Channel -- Want your students to learn about Forensics, watch a cat dissection, learn how to play a guitar or viola, or watch what happens when water meets potassium? Hundreds of videos and demonstrations
NOVA Labs Every Lab will have a research challenge or activity that allows users to explore a new data set and/or scientific phenomenon. While the challenges will vary—some being more open-ended, others being more structured and game-like—they will all encourage users to conduct their own scientific analyses and investigations.
Odyssey of the Mind is an international educational program that provides creative problem-solving opportunities for students from kindergarten through college. Team members apply their creativity to solve problems that range from building mechanical devices to presenting their own interpretation of literary classics. They then bring their solutions to competition on the local, state, and World level. Arizona Odyssey of the Mind provides registration information for each school year.
PHET Interactive Simulations To help students visually comprehend concepts, PhET simulations animate what is invisible to the eye through the use of graphics and intuitive controls such as click-and-drag manipulation, sliders and radio buttons. In order to further encourage quantitative exploration, the simulations also offer measurement instruments including rulers, stop-watches, voltmeters and thermometers. As the user manipulates these interactive tools, responses are immediately animated thus effectively illustrating cause-and-effect relationships as well as multiple linked representations (motion of the objects, graphs, number readouts, etc.)
Planting Science “is a learning community where scientists provide online mentorship to student teams as they design and think through their own inquiry projects. Engaging in the science process and becoming familiar with science practices enhances science learning. The ability to collaborate, discuss, and reflect with scientists and peers opens new doors to motivate students, and builds necessary pathways for 21st century skills.”
Professional Development Opportunities Calendar for STEM
PUMAS (Practical Uses of Math and Science) from NASA is a collection of brief examples showing how math and science topics taught in K-12 classes can be used in interesting settings, including everyday life. The examples are written primarily by scientists, engineers, and other content experts having practical experience with the material. They are aimed mainly at classroom teachers, and are available to all interested parties via the PUMAS web site.
Resources for STEM Education from the National Science Foundation includes teacher development, instructional materials, and assessment
SciStarter brings together the millions of citizen scientists in the world; the thousands of potential projects offered by researchers, organizations, and companies; and the resources, products, and services that enable citizens to pursue and enjoy these activities.
Science of Innovation NBC Learn, in collaboration with the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, explores the process of innovation. For related lesson plans by the National Science Teachers Association, open the video and click on "Lessons".
Siemen's STEM Academy Teacher Resources Browse this intriguing and ever-broadening collection of resources already submitted by your peers. Visit the STEM resources area often, as this area will continue to expand as more and more educators upload multimedia tools each day. Browse by grade, subject and type.
Spark!Lab Invent It Challenge! sponsored by ePals and Smithsonian is a contest for kids 5 to 18 to solve a real world problem and come up with a solution! Resources for students and teachers. Classes can also work with other students on project from around the world. Contest runs from January to May each calendar year with prizes and patent opportunities available.
Sparticl is a new web and mobile service for teens, a collection of the very best the web has to offer in STEM.
Spongelab-- a free online community devoted the use of digital content for learning. The library contains over 800 STEM digital learning assets such as: games, animations, simulations, graphics, images, video, case studies, and lesson plans. The Spongelab platform helps teachers find high quality interactive science media, organize it, present and deploy lessons to students, and track user activity.
STEM Behind Hollywood is an exciting new program created by Texas Instruments with the assistance of the Science & Entertainment Exchange, a program of the National Academy of Sciences, to get students excited about STEM education and careers.
STEM Collaborative Resources "There is a wealth of worthy STEM resources readily available on the Web. Here is a recommended list of lessons, interactive activities, digital media, and other materials.
STEM Connector - the one stop shop for STEM information- Documents initiatives of over 2600 STEM-related resources, including corporations, educational institutions at all levels, foundations, professional and trade associations, government, states, national laboratories and technology centers, women, diversity and global initiatives. It includes state efforts in a major way with profiles, statistics and report cards.
STEM Education Coalition an alliance of more than 500 business, professional, and education organizations, our Coalition works aggressively to raise awareness in Congress, the Administration, and other organizations about the critical role that STEM education plays in enabling the U.S. to remain the economic and technological leader of the global marketplace of the 21st century.
STEM Education Resource Center from PBS-- search their database of nearly 4,000 science, technology, engineering and math resources for grades preK-12.
STEM Education Resource Center--Professional Development Explore best practices for teaching global climate change (GCC) to middle- and high-school students with these free, self-paced modules for teachers. This professional development experience was funded by NASA's Global Climate Change Education initiative.
STEM in Sports provides games and activities that will help you inspire your kids to learn more about math and science through the sports you both love.
STEM Learning Networks and Resources
STEM Outreach from North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics includes links for videos and teacher resources for students
STEM Tennessee includes apps and resources-- gain quick and easy access to standards-based instructional tools, quality curriculum materials, and the latest Internet materials
Successful STEM Education - from the National Science Foundation Initiative - provides information, events and resources that highlight promising practices and tools in support of effective K-12 STEM education in schools and programs.
Teach Engineering Providing standards-based engineering lessons and hands-on activities for use in science, engineering and math classrooms.
Teachers Try Science provides free and engaging lessons, along with teaching strategies and resources, which are designed to spark students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
There Is an "E" in STEM article from Edutopia with links for lessons and resources
UK STEM Resource Center searchable by subject and age range
University of Minnesota STEM Education Center: Recommended Resources
Writing Across the Curriculum: Science (pdf) 58-page document created by the Granite Schools School District (MI)
Created by Linda DeVore
Last Updated Monday, May 12, 2014